Purpose of Foundation
Today, living in the modern age of 21st Century, we are enjoying affluence of the highly developed civilization. However, on the other side of the convenience, there are many complicated issues and problems occurred in complex and multi-dimensioned society.

In 2006, the study on Happy Planet Index(HPI) of the nations in the world conducted by the New Economics Foundation and University of Leicester in UK shows that Korea' HPI is ranked as 102nd in 178 nations and stays consecutively in lower class during recent several years. Moreover, Korea has a dishonorable reputation having No.1 suicide rate in the world. What would be these data results indicate? Doesn't it mean that we haven't looked after our inner-side in balanced way with our nation's remarkable economic growth?

World's Happy Planet Index Map

Continuation of internal and external life imbalance state and degeneration of relationship is causing negative affects not only to an individual, but also to the all areas of the society. Especially, communication breaks among the family members induce family dissolutions. These factors are confirmed to be phenomena such as stress, metal depression and happiness insensitivity becoming social issues in various directions.

Having Troubles with Stress?

The Law of Chaos

The Law of Chaos

Having a hard life because of daily stress? When we are having hard times mentally, we habitually say to ourself "it's because of stress." Stress can be described as 'stimulus' in the language of Physics. Then, how much of stress, in other words. 'stimulus' are we receiving each day? You might have heard 'in so many thinks' often from old people. Yes, right. We are exposed to so many stimulus, I.e. 'stress' during our daily lives. In Physics, there is Law of Entropy. If water stagnates in a pond or a well too long, it gets decayed. This means the phenomenon that if it is not managed, it becomes chaos. This Law of Entropy can be applied to mental states in the same way with a physical case. In other words, if mental side is not looked after, anyone can be swayed by many daily stimuli, and ended up facing very agonizing experience and/or uncontrollable status by lethargy or depression. Interpreting this with a positive perspective, if one wants to be happy, he or she has to make efforts to be happy.

Does Happiness Can Be Trained?!

We also have muscles in our minds.

Dasom's program does not only convey happiness ideologically. The Program delivers you the method to train your mind muscles, as if you temper the body muscles to make healthy bodies, to help you to find and grow the seed of happy mind. Happiness can be trained. Would you like to meet 'happy you' in every minute of your life? Then, train your happy mind muscle with Dasom.

We also have muscles in our minds.
The meaning of 'Butterfly Effect of Love" can be translated as Dasom's desire to become the starting point to spread seeds of love to the world through propagating healing cultural art programs like Happy Art Therapy ( H.A.T.).

The Butterfly Effect, a theory announced originally by Edward N. Lorenz, an meteorologist in the U.S., is quoted often to refer a situation when a small and minor incident brings a great outcome later. For example, a flap of a butterfly wings can result a gigantic Typhoon on the other side of the Earth powerful enough to destroy several apartment building at once. It is a tremendously powerful phenomenon.
Put Butterfly Effect of Love in Action

We also have muscles in our minds.
¡ØAn experiment conducted to check ¡®lgA¡¯ levels of subjects before and after watching movie on Mother Teresa¡¯s life. The result of the experiment showed all subjects' lgA level increased by 50% after the movie: An experiment by Harvard Medical School, 1998
(lgA level: Immunoglobulin level)

As 'Teresa Effect' tells us, a selfless love from which we learn true happiness of life comes from the love of ourselves. This means when we understand and accept ourselves in love as whom we are, true healing power can be found in ourselves.

With women's perspective as mothers care their babies with loving hearts, Dasom art foundation of women & family culture finds it¡¯s important to understand our inbuilt harmony between body and mind and experience its meaning so that we can use our own healing power working such as homeostasis. Therefore, ´Ù¼Ø¿©¼º°¡Á·¹®È­¿¹¼úÇùȸ makes its goal to propagate and develop Healing Artistic Culture with which we can utilize this wondrous mechanism we have in ourselves.

Instead of using verbal communication, we take advantage of arts, nonverbal and symbolic communication method, to utilize natural healing powers inbuilt to human beings. And, through this method, we focus to provide opportunities to explore the latent energy and to be applied as a healing process.

Dasom art foundation of women & family culture commits itself to make social environment for life loving culture and do its role in showing directions to the common goodness in this society.
Teresa Effect